Bajorian Counsler
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
Nov 3rd, 2018
from 10-4pm
Description of
What We Do...
Apollo 13 25th Anniversary
First Contact Day
The movie Apollo 13 is back in theatres on a limited run just in time for First Contact Day. Join us in Monroeville as we have a joint away mission with the USS Stella Pirata (Pittsburgh, PA)
Location: Cinemark Monroeville Mall, Monroeville, PA
Due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) shutting down all non-essential places, this event has been cancelled. However, if they reschedule, we will post those changes
We will probably go out for a meal after the film.
For more information, contact CAPT Maria Dutilly (USS Stella Pirata) or LtCDR Matthew Barclay (USS Solstice) on Facebook
Away Mission Leaders: CAPT Dutilly, LtCDR Barclay
NOTE: Since the USS Stella Pirata will be joining us for this event, uniforms are not required. That being said, LtCDR Barclay will likely be wearing a STARFLEET polo with combadge.