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Bajorian Counsler
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
The Science Center on September 15, (Friday) from 10a.m.-5p.m. Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
ANY Star Trek Uniform is mandatory
Nov 3rd, 2018
from 10-4pm
Description of
What We Do...
Mission Log to:

Science Fiction Saturday: Where no one has gone before.
Saturday June 8th 12-3 pm
Theme is: Star Trek Continues (Fan base) show
PLEASE notify your away team leader if you plan on attending.
Saturday July 13th 12-3 pm
Theme is: Star Trek Voyager
PLEASE notify your away team leader Commander Smith if you plan on attending. 412 558 0550
Saturday February 23rd
Theme is: The Original Star Trek Series
PLEASE notify your away team leader Commander Smith if you plan on attending. 412 558 0550
Saturday July 27th 12-3 pm
Theme is: Star Trek Discovery
PLEASE notify your away team leader
if you plan on attending.
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