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CO of the USS SOLSTICE - NCC1221


Fleet Captain Glenn Smith is Commanding Officer (CO)

of USS Solstice. 


As 2nd Officer (SO) of  the USS Venture,  I loved going on away missions to educate others in what Star Trek has done for us.  Now, I do that as Captain of the USS Solstice.  Can you name 5 advances that were a dream when Star Trek first aired and are now reality?   

Favorite Episode:  Deep Space 9 (Seasons 4-7)

Favorite Characters: Jonathan Frakes (Commander Riker), Michael Dorn (Worf), & Jeri Ryan (7 of 9)

XO of the USS SOLSTICE - NCC1221

First Officer


Captain Stephen Rocco is Solstice's XO

1st Officer


SO of the USS SOLSTICE - NCC1221

Second Officer 


Colonel Matthew Barclay is Solstice's Second Officer, Webmaster, and Marine Unit OIC.


Favorite episode(s): ENT: Two Days and Two Nights, Regeneration, Carpenter Street, In a Mirror Darkly, TOS: Space Seed, The Trouble with Tribbles, "Mirror, Mirror", TNG: Unification, Face of the Enemy, DS9: Take Me out to the Holosuite, The House of Quark, Apocalypse Rising, Trials and Tribble-ations, "Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang", VOY: Worst Case Scenario, Message in a Bottle, Infinite Regress, Life Line

Favorite Movie: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home

Favorite Character(s)Spock 


TO of the USS SOLSTICE - NCC1221

Third Officer 

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LtCDR David Earhart is Solstice's Chief Engineering Officer


Favorite episode(s): 

Favorite Movie: 

Favorite Character(s)


OPs of the USS SOLSTICE - NCC 1221

(OPs) Chief of Operations Officer


LtCDR Jeffery Sorg/Lord Tyranus is Solstice's Chief of Operations




Favorite Episode(s)

Favorite Character


(PC) Past Commander  & Chief Chief

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Fleet Captain G. Edwards  

left his former command due to a brief mental breakdown.  Now cleared by STARFLEET Medical, he has returned to STARFLEEET and was assigned to the waste extraction (janitorial) crew of the USS Solstice

Favorite episode(s): Day of the Dove (TOS), Sins of the Father (TNG), Way of the Warrior (DS9)

Favorite Movie: Star Trek 2,3, 6

Favorite Character(s): Kirk, Kang. Kor

Favorite Vessel: Klingon b'rel class Bird of Prey

STARFLEET Region 7 Regional Commander​


Admiral Wayne Augustson is the Regional Commander of STARFLEET's Region 7, which covers Delaware, Washington, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. He  is also Commanding Officer of the  USS Britannic. 

Anchor 1


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