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Tactical / Intelligence

Description  & Academy (listed below)

The Chief Tactical Officer (CTO) / Intelligence Officer assists 

  1. In his or her duties, chairing any meetings that the SO cannot attend, reporting to such affiliates as directed by the CO, and acting as chief of staff for the Command Staff.

  2. The TO is required to pass the OTS, OCC, and GDPR exams according to STARFLEET regulations 

  3. As such, the TO is further empowered to stand in for any Command Staff Officer as needed.  

  4. He or she will be on hand to assist the Command Staff Officers with their respective positions if called upon.

  5. He or she can give recommendations to the staff and crew as to how to better do their positions, and which academics to take.

  6. The TO shall be the Tactical, Navigator, or Helmsman. He or she will act as the DATA PROCTETION OFFICER (DPO)

    1. DPO is responsible for overseeing an organization/ships data protection strategy and it implementation, to ensure compliance with GDPR requirements/

  7. He or she will act like a quartermaster

  8. He or she will have materials for events and/or have equipment prepared for events to be given to the AWAY MISSION leader

  9. He or she will set up and keep track of any orders for the ship.

  10. The TO will run the monthly meetings using Robert Rules for Starfleet

  11. The TO will also give a financial report at the meeting and may by the Financial officer or assign it to someone else.

  12. The TO will also RUN the election along with OPs when required.  TO is NOT allowed to nominate nor 2nd an elected position.  TO can vote​

  13. This position is appointed by the CO, and/or XO, & SO. 

  14. He or she is the Third Officer of the ship.

  1. ​

Academy for Third Officer (TO) (Tactical Officer /Navigation (helmsman))
Institute of Intelligence & espionage (IOIE)

-- College of Intelligence Operations: any 3

Institute of Military Studies (IOMS)
-- College of Strategy & Tactics: COST 101 & 102

Institute of Star Trek Studies (IOSTS):
-- College of Starship Operations: CSO-103 and CSO-107


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